I’m planning to create a custom web component which lets you easily embed your fragment shaders into any website for a long time. You can find some (mostly abandoned ones) on github, so this is my take on the topic (to abandon it eventually 😉).

It tries to be compatible with https://twigl.app/, supporting geekest mode and MRT as well (but only 300 es).

See details on github.


float noise21(vec2 p) { p += vec2(23.34, 34.232); vec3 a = fract(vec3(p.xyx) * vec3(213.897, 653.453, 253.098)); a += dot(a, a.yzx + 79.76); return fract((a.x + a.y) * a.z); } vec2 get_point_by_id(vec2 id, float t) { return vec2( sin(6821.126 + t * noise21(id * (.456, .681))), cos(34.123 + t * noise21(id * 543.21)) ); } float df_line(vec2 a, vec2 b, vec2 p) { vec2 pa = p - a, ba = b - a; float h = clamp(dot(pa,ba) / dot(ba,ba), 0., 1.); return length(pa - ba * h); } float line(vec2 a, vec2 b, vec2 uv) { float r1 = .03; float r2 = .005; float d = df_line(a, b, uv); float d2 = length(a-b); float fade = smoothstep(1.5, .5, d2); fade += smoothstep(.05, .02, abs(d2-.5)); return smoothstep(r1, r2, d) * fade; } void main() { vec2 uv = ((2. * gl_FragCoord.xy) - resolution.xy) / min(resolution.x, resolution.y); vec3 col = 0.2 + 0.2*cos(time+uv.xyx+vec3(0,2,4)); vec2 st = uv * 3.; vec2 id = floor(st); vec2 i_st = fract(st); float m_dist = 1.; vec2 curr_point = .5 + .5 * get_point_by_id(id, time * 2.); float m = 0.; vec2 points[9]; int i = 0; for (int y = -1; y <= 1; y++) { for (int x = -1; x <= 1; x++) { vec2 neighbor = vec2(float(x), float(y)); vec2 point = neighbor + .5 + .5 * get_point_by_id(id+neighbor, time * 2.); points[i++] = point; vec2 diff = point - i_st; float dist = length(diff); if (dist < m_dist) { m_dist = dist; } // line between points m += line(curr_point, point, i_st); } } // extra lines m += line(points[1], points[3], i_st); m += line(points[1], points[5], i_st); m += line(points[7], points[5], i_st); m += line(points[7], points[3], i_st); // the point itself m += 1. - step(.05, m_dist); col += .8 * m; // Output to screen outColor = vec4(col,1.0); }